The Commission (Board of Directors) is composed of the Chairperson who is appointed by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and members of the Commission are appointed by the Minister responsible for Higher Education. The tenure of office for members of the Commission is three years renewable depending on successful performance. The current members of the Commission are:

Dr. Leonard D. Akwilapo

Prof. Makenya A. Maboko
Vice Chairperson

Prof. Paschalis G. Rugarabamu

Ms. Aida J. Maoulid

Dr. Kenneth M. Hosea

Prof. Lughano J. Kusiluka

Ms. Neema J. Ringo

Prof. Charles D. Kihampa
Secretary/ Ex-officio Member
Committees of the Commission
The Commission operates through the Committees. Section 9(1) of the Universities Act, Cap. 346 provides for the establishment and composition of three statutory committees of the Commission namely: The Accreditation Committee; Grants Committee and Admissions Committee. Furthermore, Section 9(4) of the Universities Act, Cap. 346 gives power to the Commission to establish such other committee and may delegate to such committees specified functions of the Commission. The roles of each of the statutory committees are well spelt out under Sections 10, 11 and 12 of the Universities Act, Cap. 346. The current members of each committee are as shown below:
S/N | Name | Position |
1 | Prof. Makenya Maboko | Chairman |
2 | Prof. Paschalis Rugarabamu | Member |
3 | Prof. Betram Mapunda | Member |
4 | Registrar (TNMC), Ms. Agnes Mtawa | Member |
5 | Ag. Executive Secretary (NACTVET), Dr. Amani Makota | Member |
6 | Executive Secretary (TCU), Prof. Charles Kihampa | Ex-officio Member |
7 | Director of Accreditation (TCU), Dr. Telemu Kassile | Secretary |
S/N | Name | Position |
1 | Prof. Lughano Kusiluka | Chairman |
2 | Prof. Mohamed Makame Haji | Member |
3 | Ms. Aida Maoulid | Member |
4 | Executive Director (HESLB), Dr. Bill Kiwia | Member |
5 | Prof. Nelson Boniface | Member |
6 | Executive Secretary (TCU), Prof. Charles Kihampa | Ex-officio Member |
7 | Director of Admissions Coordination and Database Management (TCU), Dr. Fulgence Matimbo | Secretary |
S/N | Name | Position |
1 | Ms. Aida Maoulid | Chairperson |
2 | Dr. Leonard Akwilapo | Member |
3 | Prof. Alex Makulilo | Member |
4 | Director General (TEA), Dr. Erasmus Kipesha | Member |
5 | Prof. Neema Mori | Member |
6 | Executive Secretary (TCU), Professor Charles Kihampa | Ex-officio Member |
7 | Director of Corporate Services (TCU), CPA. Buyamba Kassaja | Secretary |
S/N | Name | Position |
1 | Prof. Lughano Kusiluka | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Kennedy Hosea | Member |
3 | Prof. Ester Dungumaro | Member |
4 | Prof. Godwin Mjema | Member |
5 | CPA. Juma Muhimbi | Member |
6 | Executive Secretary (TCU), Prof. Charles Kihampa | Ex-officio Member |
7 | Mr. Benard Kongola | Secretary |
S/N | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. Leonard Akwilapo | Chairman |
2 | Ms. Neema Ringo | Member |
3 | Ms. Hilda Kabissa | Member |
4 | Dr. Aggrey Mlimuka | Member |
5 | Prof. David Mfinanga | Member |
6 | Executive Secretary (TCU), Prof. Charles Kihampa | Ex-officio Member |
7 | Director of Corporate Services (TCU), CPA. Buyamba Kassaja | Secretary |
Matters which require the decision of the Commission are submitted to the secretariat, channeled to the appropriate committee then presented to the Commission for the final decision and/or guidance. The decision of the Commission is then communicated by the secretariat.